
Me, Inc.


This proactive, practical guide is unlike any self-help book you've ever listened to. It's not about simple motivation or inspiration; that stuff only matters if you have a plan. Me, Inc. is designed to help you develop that plan and then execute it to perfection. It's not a generic, one-size-fits-all program, but a personalized system for improving your life and filling it with purpose, meaning, and contentment. Business consultant and executive coach Scott Ventrella shows you how to achieve unlimited success by incorporating the basic principles of good business into everyday living. Sharing the ten time-tested principles that guide most successful and enduring companies, he shows you how to apply them to your life and design your own custom "exceptional living plan"-much like a business plan-that will guide you on the road to an exceptional life.

What if you were the CEO of a mediocre company? Would you just sit back and let the business plod along on a road to nowhere? Of course n

Oppleser: Jonathan Marosz