
Selling the Hug Your Customers Way


Learn how to apply the proven principles of Hug Your Customers to refine your selling technique, boost your sales, and keep your customers coming back for more.

In his groundbreaking books, Hug Your Customers-a Wall Street Journal bestseller-and Hug Your People, Jack Mitchell brought a warm human touch to the often-cold, bottom-line world of business. As the CEO of Mitchell's clothing stores, one of the most successful small businesses in the country, he noticed that customer service and satisfaction get a lot of lip service-but not enough hugs. When you focus on the emotional connection as well as the intellectual aspect of a sale, you form strong lasting relationships that keep your customers returning, sales rising, and business booming.

You don't have to hug your customers literally, of course. Mitchell's personal approach to customer service involves a simple 5-stage process that anyone can master:

1st Stage: Making the ConnectionLearn how to make a great first impression that eng

Oppleser: Jack Mitchell
