Silk is a homeopathic remedy for treatment of injuries and inflammation of tendons and ligaments. It has shown its powerful healing potenti al several times, which is illustrated by different case descriptions.
Silk also will help to treat ailments arising from travels. Fear of flying, unspecific nervousness before and during travel, and also travel sickness with nausea, vomiting and fears can be treated successfully with silk.
Silk can help to take decisions according to the own way of life. It gives safety, strength and protection on the journey of life.
This book describes the homeopathic remedy Sericum coconum.
You can read about my own experiences with this remedy, the
results of the C4-trituration and the proving of sericum coconum C30. Case descriptions, a first Materia medica and a repertory complete the allover picture of Sericum coconum.
This book fits also for homeopathic interested layman. It shows the development a natural substance takes to become a homeopathic remedy with its specific healing power.