
Step Up To Success In Business and In Life


Success is not a matter of luck, an accident of birth, or a reward for virtue. Success is a matter of decision, commitment, planning, preparation, execution, and recommitment. Success doesn't come to you; you must go to it. Now, award winning business advisor, Nido Qubein, shares his complete program for personal and professional achievement.

Qubein arrived in the United States as a young man unable to speak English, with no contacts and only $50 in his pocket. He has since built a multimillion dollar speaking and consulting business. Chairman of four companies including Creative Services, Inc., McNeill Lehman, Inc., Business Life magazine and Great Harvest Bread Company, he is an advisor to some of America's best corporate leaders, sharing his business acumen and entrepreneurial spirit to help their companies grow and thrive. Qubein serves as President of High Point University in North Carolina and is the recipient of many honors for his seminars and his business leadership.

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