
Surviving Your Serengeti


Every day another company cuts jobs or slides into bankruptcy, forcing thousands of people into uncertainty, anxiety and a sense of helplessness. With a failing economy, even the normal tribulations of life have been intensified so that everyday hardships seem insurmountable. For 1.5 million wildebeest of Africa, their Serengeti is a 1,000 mile-long migration filled with hunger, thirst, predators and exhaustion. The journey is impressive, dangerous, and so incomparably massive that is often considered the #1 natural wonder of the world. The migration offers us a unique window on the very essence of life itself, wherein we observe seven skills that individually and collectively stand as a guide for business and life. Surviving Your Serengeti is a business fable describing the 7 skills the animals of the Serengeti use to survive in the desert - the same skills every person needs to cope with changes in business or in life. Endurance - The Wildebeest Strategy - The L

Oppleser: L J Ganser