
The Door to Satisfaction: The Heart Advice of a Tibetan Buddhist Master


In Door to Satisfaction Lama Zopa Rinpoche reveals a text he discovered in a cave in the Himalayas that captures the essential point of Buddhist training. Rinpoche says, "Only when I read this text did I come to know what the practice of Dharma really means."

Without proper motivation, it does not matter what we do. Whether reciting prayers, meditating, or enduring great hardships, if our actions are devoid of good intention they will not become Dharma practice. Proper motivation transcends our ordinary, ephemeral desires and ultimately seeks the happiness of all living beings. "In your life," says Rinpoche, "there is nothing to do other than to work for others, to cherish others. There is nothing more important in your life than this."

This powerful, simple message applies to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike--we all have the power to unlock our greatest potential. Open this book and open the door to a timeless path leading to wisdom and joy.