
The Joseph Conrad Collection


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Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British author who is regarded as one of the greatest writers in history. Conrad often wrote sea tales that featured anti-heroic characters. With classics such as Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, and The Secret Agent, Conrad is still widely read today. This collection includes the following:


Heart of Darkness

Lord Jim

The Secret Agent

Under Western Eyes

Almayer’s Folly

An Outcast of the Islands

The Children of the Sea

The Inheritors



Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard


Victory: An Island Tale

The Shadow Line

The Arrow of Gold

The Rescue


Karain: A Memory

The Idiots

An Outpost of Progress

The Return

The Lagoon


The End of the Tether

Amy Foster

Falk: A Reminiscence


The Warrior’s Soul

Prince Roman

The Tale

The Black Mate

Gaspar Ruiz

The Informer

The Brute

An Anarchist

The Duel

II Conde

The Secret Sharer

A Smile of Fortune

Freya of the Seven Isles

The Planter of Malata

The Partner

The Inn of the Two Witches

Because of the Dollars


The Mirror of the Sea

A Personal Record

Notes on Life and Letters

Notes on My Books