
The Magic Mirror


The Magic Mirror

Visualization Meditations by Dick Sutphen

New Age Music by Valley of the Sun Publishing Studios


Superconscious Symbol Visualization to assist you to visualize the ideal you and recreate yourself in that image. This program is based on Psychosynthesis, a technique used by many psychiatrists to generate positive change. The symbol created a new line of force in your psyche and can change inner attitudes and outer behavior. Produced with soothing New Age music.

Instructions: Lie down or sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply for three minutes. Turn on the player. Dick will direct you through a complete body relaxation, then ask you to vividly fantasize the situation he is describing. Make it real. Perceive everything. You'll be counted up at the end of the program.

Make certain you are fully alert and awake at the end of this session.

For maximum self-change results, use the program several time a week. Also, during the day, quickly fantasize the symbol on your own when you have an opportunity.

Oppleser: Dick Sutphen