
The Other Side : Becoming Limitless Through Spirit Mind Body Mastery


The next 180 pages incorporate practical spirituality, quantum physics, psychology, philosophy and science to deliver a different category of personal development. The structure of this book is simple. There are three parts: spirit, mind and body. Everything in those parts is written to help you accomplish two things: to let go of everything preventing you from ascending and to have a clear understanding of HOW to be eternally happy, independently of anything or anyone. The good news is you don’t have to undergo intense training, do lots of work, change yourself, your place of living, your friend circle, job, hobbies, or anything else except for one thing—your perspective. All I do is invite you to see the other side. I wrote this book not because I wanted to positively influence the world; I am too small and insignificant for that. I wrote this book to positively influence just YOUR world, my friend. You picked up this book for a reason and it is probably because you want to self-improve. If you have a desire for that, you are already doing great! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But why not do better? Why not be limitless?

Oppleser: IJRA