
Toxic Workplace!


Most of us as leaders have experienced the frustration and confusion of having an extremely difficult person to deal with in the workplace?a person who debilitates individuals, teams, and even organizations. These difficult individuals have the capacity to completely undermine our sense of well-being. Why? Because in a variety of ways they get under our skin, infiltrate our professional and personal space, demoralize us, de-motivate the team, and ultimately affect our competence and productivity. They are ?toxic.? Unfortunately, like bad neighbors, short of picking up and moving to new venues, it seems impossible to escape the deleterious effects of these toxic individuals?and for some victims, even once the toxic person is no longer there! The topic of toxic personalities at work has been long on history but quite sparse on research. Although there are numerous books on the subject that attempt to guide leaders? thinking and behaviors to preserve their own sanity, T

Oppleser: Vanessa Hart