
Treasure in Earthen Vessels : Saint Paul's Spirituality


Join the Apostle Paul on a spiritual odyssey that will move your heart and spirit.

St. Paul was not only a great writer but also a deeply spiritual and widely influential man of faith. His profound theology has shaped the Christian life and Church as we know it. Now, you can enrich your own faith with the spirituality of this great apostle and spiritual master.

In Treasure in Earthen Vessels: Saint Paul’s Spirituality, you will explore such questions as: How did Paul pray? What role does scripture play in Paul’s understanding of spirituality? Was St. Paul the first Christian mystic? How can Paul be appreciated today as a spiritual master?

You will discover the answers to these questions and much more. These twelve masterful conferences will deliver to you the heart of St. Paul’s spirituality, and you will take the great apostle as your personal guide for your journey. As you look at Paul’s prayer, mysticism, and understanding of Scripture, his words will come alive, illuminating your spiritual path in the present day.

Enrich your spirituality with St. Paul today.

Oppleser: Ron Witherup