
Twisted Death : A Campus Killing


During the summer of city riots, a perplexing murder occurs on the campus of the University of Cincinnati. Clues ultimately lead the detectives, Ron Looney and Gene Novalchek, to settle on a Special Operations veteran as the prime suspect. They consult with Ron's old friend from Air Force times, Tom Bolling, U.S.A.F (ret.) General Officer, now the Chief of Staff at New City Hospital in Cincinnati and begin to close in on their suspect.

The Cincinnati police are also involved in a fentanyl overdose crisis that is affecting elderly individuals and causing several deaths. The dealers do not seem connected to the streets. This involvement initially hampers the murder investigation with manpower shortages. The two investigation skeins ultimately twist together in intertwined proceedings that require Tom Bolling's insight to unravel.

Oppleser: Galen Barbour