
When God Let Me Speak : A Short Story Audiobook


A series of life stories focusing on courage, decision making & common sense Conversationally written to address the inside thoughts people have and hidden issues that most people won't admit to.

This book not only relates to the reader but shows them that the first step to figuring out who you are is accepting who you are and changing how you think.

Reading through this novella is almost like reading someone's diary, it's honest, personal, and intense.

Although direct and sometimes flawed in literary correctness; it takes an open-minded and sincerely forward-thinking person to understand the jewels hidden in her words.

There is an admiral amount of empathy shown to people and circumstances in many of the stories, as the author tries to learn more about herself.

In a parallel lesson, she learns that the most important part of fixing her life was going through the pain, the confusion, and the hurt.

Just when you think she's pitied herself to death, the author finds a way, by connecting with who she truly is, to find her purpose.