Jareau Family

Walker Jareau prided himself on being a player. Women came a dime a dozen, and he was like a revolving door 
 until he met the one woman who threatened to swipe his player card—Jorja Sandifer. The beautiful dancer captivated him from the moment he laid eyes on her. It didn’t take long for the friends with benefits to migrate into an unconventional relationship, laced with a bit of toxicity. Feelings developed, and neither wants to come clean until Jorja has had enough. The concept of giving a man her heart has always been foreign to Jorja Sandifer. Seeing the effects of heartbreak on her mother made Jorja vow to never give a man that kind of power over her 
 until she met Walker Jareau. In him, she found a best friend and lover. Try as she might, she couldn’t fight the growing feelings for a man she was never supposed to form an attachment to. When those feelings surface, Jorja is faced with the harsh reality that Walker will never be the man she wants. She cuts ties with him, but Walker can’t seem to let her go. Realizing that he may have more feelings than he wanted to admit has him fighting to get back in her good graces. Will these two embrace the feelings between them, or is it a done deal?