
A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel


When Major Rufus d’Aumesty unexpectedly becomes the Earl of Oxney, he finds himself living in a remote Norman manor on the edge of Romney Marsh with his noble, hostile, and decidedly odd family. His position is contested both by his greedy uncle and by unexpected claimant Luke Doomsday, a dashing member of the local smuggling clan. They should be natural enemies, but cocksure, enragingly competent Luke is a secretary by trade and quickly becomes an unexpected ally, the partner Rufus needs...and soon the lover he can't live without. Unfortunately, Luke’s not telling anything like the truth. He came to Stone Manor with an ulterior motive, one he’s hiding even from the lord he can’t resist. And as family secrets unspool on both sides, master and man soon find their positions and their partnership in danger of falling apart…

Narrator: Martyn Swain


29 ratings



hade svårt att läsa klart den här boken. allt var så sterotypiskt och påträngande. jag gillade de två huvudkaraktärerna och en hel del bikaraktärer men dom onda personerna kändes som en kopia av en Disneyskurk eller liknande. men jag kanske bara är bortskämd med fantastiska böcker som jag har läst det senaste. jag tyckte också att den var lite för lika den första boken i strukturen.