
A Worthy Opponent


Once upon a time I was a girl who believed in love and happily ever afters.

Now the only thing I believe in is revenge.

Unfortunately for me, there’s only one man willing to help me. Hook. I should have known it wouldn’t be out of the goodness of his heart. He doesn’t have one. No, Hook wants his ring on my finger and me on my knees before him—and he won’t take no for an answer.

I’m willing to pay any price in order to bring our mutual enemy down…even if it means I lose my soul in the bargain.


130 ratings



Blev lite småtråkigt och upprepande koncept som två böckerna före



It was a very good book, nice ending, drama and romance



Hade önskat mer om de politiska intrigerna som hände runt omkring, mer om the final showdown med Peter. Var från början till slut nästan enbart explicita scener, hade kunnat skippa iallafall en av dessa för att få mer tid för the actual plot.