


Iโ€™m loving it. (J.Q. โ€“ United Kingdom) Beautifully written (J.M. โ€“ USA) Wow! So Impressive! So riveting! (S.A. โ€“ Harare) Iโ€™m loving your book. Thank you! Can I share with a friend? (A.S. โ€“ Cape Town)

Ali and Salma are Beja people, living in the hauntingly beautiful hills by the Red Sea in North Africa. They belong to a nomadic tribe that time forgot, under siege by a Western culture that challenges the very core of their ancient traditions and beliefs. Enter David Stark, a doctor and aid worker, caught up in a civil war and his own unexpected awakening of love, faith and future. Traumatic events cast David, Salma and Ali together and their intertwined stories push them towards each other and a wildly unpredictable destiny. This is a gripping and inspiring story of the triumph of the human spirit and the love of God.