
Breaking the Silence Across the Divide of Death


Most people believe the loss of the body is the loss of life, and the pain of losing a child is devastating for any parent. But when Matthew McKay’s 23-year-old son Jordan was suddenly shot and killed, for Matthew, it was not the end of Jordan’s life. It was the beginning of a quest to penetrate the veil of death through some extraordinary communications. These virtual conversations led Matthew to co-author a book, with his son. Although a scientist by training, upon the death of his son, McKay asked himself two questions: Does that soul still exist, and Is Jordan okay? Through channeled writing and other techniques McKay was able to have conversations with his son about the nature of “life-between-lives” which Jordan describes as a classroom. He describes our “soul group” which is like a repertory company. We just keep showing up in life with the same people, but often in different relationships . . . these relationships are happening over and over again, life after life, and we’re learning from them. It is an improv group and is not scripted. The purpose is to learn even through the pain. After working with mediums, through channeled writing, through induced after-death communication, through hypnotic regressions into past lives, McKay says: “Every means I’ve taken to learn about the afterlife has confirmed that there is no loss, there is no death in any real sense, that souls continue to stay connected. This is immutable and our aloneness is an illusion, and these losses that we suffer so deeply are illusory. They are experiences to teach us.” (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)