
Co-Active Coaching Third Edition


When Co-Active Coaching was first released in 1998, this pioneering work set the stage for what has become a cultural and business phenomenon and helped launch the profession of coaching. Published in more than ten languages now, this book has been used as the definitive resource in dozens of corporate, professional development and university-based coaching programs as well as by thousands of individuals looking to elevate their communication, relationship and coaching skills. This fully revised third edition of Co-Active Coaching has been updated to reflect the expanded vision of the newly updated Co-Active Model and coaching course curriculum at The Coaches Training Institute, the training organization founded and run by the authors for 20 years. The third edition emphasizes evoking transformational change in the client and extends the use of the Co-Active Model into leadership management and its effectiveness throughout organizations. This edition also contains an on-line Coach's To

Narrator: Tim Andres Pabon


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Bra och grundlĂ€ggande teoretiskt samt bra ”exempel-samtal” mellan coach och klient sĂ„ att det blir lĂ€ttare att förstĂ„ sambandet mellan teori och praktik. Oftast lĂ€tt att förstĂ„ men till vissa delar mer avancerad och djupgĂ„ende. KĂ€nns som att Ă„tminstone alla nyblivna coacher bör lĂ€sa/lyssna till denna bok. Även nĂ„gra övningar att göra sjĂ€lv eller att ge som uppgift till klienter gĂ„s igenom. Jag kan bara rekommendera denna! För mig var det sju vĂ€l investerade timmar av lyssning.