
Finding Mystery in the Ordinary : A Guide for Women


Find God in your daily life with this moving retreat.

All women experience joyful, sorrowful, glorious, and luminous mysteries. In addition, they also experience ordinary mysteries that take place during prayer, conversation, volunteer activities, and other daily actions. It is in these seemingly mundane activities that God is profoundly present in His Mystery.

This retreat invites women to reflect upon the experience of ordinary mystery in their own lives. In these conferences, you will discover the mystery of everyday holiness as you explore how God is present in all things. Your guide is Sr. Ann Willits, O.P., a celebrated retreat leader, storyteller, and Dominican sister.

As you embark on this retreat, you will enjoy a reflection on the meaning of mystery—God’s continuing presence in our lives. Then, you will look at the reality of paradox, which helps us integrate and think poetically. You will also look at the example of Mary, reflecting prayerfully on her experiences as a mother, teacher, sister, and friend. You will encounter Mary not as a distant saint but rather a real, relatable woman.

Throughout these conferences, you will explore various ordinary mysteries: waiting, displacement, relationship, vocation, practice, resilience, punctuation, attitude, and direction. As you take this spiritual journey, Sr. Willits will guide you to enrich the holy in your human activities.

Embrace your ordinary mysteries and discover God in all things today.

Narrator: Ann Willits