
Pauls Pleasure : Crossdressing Stories


Enjoy short stories by Hellen Heels xoxoxo.

“What could it be then? You have discovered the perfect spot for our next vacation?”

“Paul. What is wrong with you?”

“You said I should guess, baby. That is what I am doing.”

“Look, it has nothing to do with me wanting you or our next vacation spot.”

“Then what is it?”

“It has to do with Carol.”

“What could it be that has to do with her? Let me see. Is she about to get married?”

“No. Try again.”

“She misses her aunt?”

“And that is why she came into town to see me?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t know what else to think.”

“Paul. And you think that is why I am suggesting that you buy some champagne while you are coming home?”

“Lynn baby, I don’t know what else to think here. Why not just tell me what it is.”

“Okay. I’ll tell you. Carol got admitted to study law.”

“I see. That is good news.” He paused before he continued. “But is that really what we are celebrating?”

“Of course it is, Paul. Can’t you see? She is going to be schooling here in this town with us.”

His eyes brightened and he slapped his forehead. “Ohh. You mean she was admitted to study law in the university here in our city?”

“Yes, Paul.”

He rubbed his hands together. “Wonderful. How did she do it?”

“How else do you think she achieved it? She studied hard, of course.”

“This is wonderful indeed. And she passed?”