
Summary of Fiona Hill's There Is Nothing for You Here


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Fiona Hill has a unique perspective of the world, having spent time in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Russia. She has seen the good and bad of all three countries, and realized that the three aren’t all that different.

In There Is Nothing for You Here, Hill explains the three countries' post-industrial struggles after World War II, framed within the contest of her own experiences. Many towns and areas have been completely forgotten, which has bred distrust and division. Specifically in the US, this culminated in Donald Trump being elected president, which only furthered the country’s polarization.

When people lose hope, they fall victim to populist movements that provide seemingly easy solutions, but in reality, only want to take advantage of their vote. To reverse this trend, we need to provide more opportunities for those who are less fortunate, regardless of race, gender, or place of origin.

Narrator: Paul Bartlett