
Summary of Kate Atkinson's A God in Ruins


Summary of Kate Atkinson's A God in Ruins is a novel set primarily in England that is about the horrors of war, the joys and challenges of family, and the fear and sadness of terminal illness.

In 1925, young Teddy goes for a walk with his Aunt Izzie. He tries to share his love and knowledge of things in nature with her, but she does not seem interested. Teddy is upset by the fact that Izzie claims to have eaten a skylark. Izzie asks him questions about his likes and dislikes. She later uses his answers to write a series of books loosely based on him even though the main character is nothing like Teddy. Teddy hates the books and the fact that they are dedicated to him.

When World War II begins, Teddy signs up. He is relieved to be escaping work at the bank with his father…

Narrator: Paul Bartlett