
Teaching of Huna : The Secret Science Behind Miracles & Self-Suggestion


The Secret Science Behind Miracles deals with the discovery of an ancient and secret system of

workable magic, which, if we can learn to use it as did the native magicians of Polynesia and North

Africa, bids fair to change the world โ€ฆ

Self-Suggestion and the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis is a practical manual of

self-suggestion using the Huna techniques, including detailed instructions as to how the operation

works. Huna (Hawaiian for "secret") is the word adopted by the author in 1936 to describe his

theory of metaphysics.

"This information concerning those parts of psychology which we have come to call hypnosis,

mesmerism and suggestion, is being presented as an addition to the scant literature on the ancient

psycho-religious system of the Polynesians called "Huna" or the "Secret"."