
The Audio Book on How to Make Money Now With Your Camera : How to start a Photography Business & Sell Photos Online & Get Photographer Jobs


END MONEY WORRIES! "An investment in knowledge Always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin

Photography can be a quick and easy way to make money, but in today's environment you have lots of competition! Your business can be destroyed for lack of knowledge, if you don't take advantage & make a small investment in knowledge that can give you and your business the edge over your competition and start your photography business on a sound foundation to withstand the storms of today's uncertain economy. Introducing...

The Audio Book on How to Make Money Now With Your Camera

How to start a Photography Business & Sell Photos Online & Get Photographer Jobs


* The Advantage of Developing a Business Mindset

* How to set up your Photography Business

* How to price your work

* How to negotiate contracts

* How to protect your IP (Intellectual Property)

* How to get Print sales and licensing deals

* How to sell you photos online

* How to monetize your photography skills

* How to find and land Photography Jobs

* How to create an expert Portfolio

* Expert ways to market your business

* A resource business rolodex for getting all the Photography items you need

* How to form an LLC

* How to get a business website

* How to select your Niche

* How to write a expert Business Plan

* How to get Government Grants

* Expert tips on Colossal Cash from Crowdfunding

* and much much more!

For less than the cost of a movie ticket you can have all the information you need to start a income producing business

and help to give you the financial peace of mind that you deserve

So take advantage of this amazing offer right now! Don't wait... You'll wait your life away.

Narrator: Brian Mahoney
