
The Bad Boy : Raw & Unabridged


“A man of action sees a beautiful woman and knows that he can have her, while a rebel knows that he can take her.”

This is one of many striking proverbs that enabled me to drive home the “edge” that the “Bad Boy” has. “The Bad Boy” (in all essence) is what most people call “alpha-male” today. He gets “the girl”, he has “the look”, and he does what he wants. Needless to say; this guy is a winner. “The Bad Boy” is a series that is all about what type of man this is, and is designed for the man to question if this is the path that he should take, and for the woman to question if this is the guy that she could... or should see herself with. In “The Bad Boy”, I will lead you through a series of 7 different assertions.

· Who the Bad Boy really is

· What it takes to be a Bad Boy

· The Costs

· The Benefits

· Why the Bad Boy gets so much Respect

· Why Women can’t resist him

· Why Women don’t resist him

So prepare yourself to take a ride with… “The Bad Boy”