
# The Leftover Bride : A Holiday Second Chance Romantic Comedy


Are you ready to fall in love with "Hallmark movie's steamier cousin"? If your heart flutters for grumpy but sweet and sexy book boyfriends and second chance steamy Christmas small-town rom-coms, this audiobook is for you.

Dear Diary,

Hi. It's me: #TheLeftoverBride. That hashtag sucks. Can we agree 'Tis the season for a do-over? All I want for Christmas is for my life to turn into a Hallmark movie—but sexier and steamier. Last year, my fiancé aka #TheRunawayGroom sprinted past me at the altar, breaking my heart, my booming wedding dress designer career, and bringing my family's bakery close to bankruptcy.

This year, I have a plan. A list of things to tick off before the 31st of December. Not on this list? Getting back into the spotlight.

Also not the list?

Falling in lust or in love yet again with my first love and high school sweetheart, Ryan Sawyer.

No way. Not happening.

Even if he is back in town with those broad shoulders and that Ryan-grin that make me want oh so much more. Even when I blurt out on national TV that he's helping me with my to-do list. Even if being around him feels so right.

He didn't stay after high school.

He's not staying now.

Get a grip, Sorcha and stop believing in Happily Ever After. Unless… could the third time truly be the charm?

Perfect for fans of: Meghan Quinn, Emily Henry, Tessa Bailey, Sally Thorne and Lauren Landish.

Narrator: Megan Carter