
The Psychedelic Mindmeld : Telepathically Exploring Shared Consciousness


• Teaches you how to work in pairs to meld your consciousness and explore the inner universe together with the help of psychedelics

• Presents techniques for entering and maintaining a psychedelic mindmeld, including holotropic breathing and Vipassana meditation

• Looks at safe set and setting for psychedelic telepathic work, including preparations, finding the right partner, safety protocols, and potential challenges

Many psychonauts have spontaneously experienced telepathy, but how does one intentionally share consciousness? In this guide to psychedelic mindmelding, experienced psychonaut Wade Richardson shows how, with the aid of psychedelics, sharing consciousness is possible.

Drawing on years of personal experience, Richardson details techniques for entering and maintaining a telepathic mindmeld, including Vipassana meditation practices and Holotropic Breathwork, and explains what to expect during your sessions as well as presenting a map of the territory of the inner universe to be explored. He also looks at safe set and setting for telepathic work, including types of psychedelics, dosages, physical and mental health preparations, structuring the session, finding the right partner, safety protocols, and potential challenges.

Sharing accounts from the many sessions he has participated in or facilitated, the author shows how mindmelders can fully experience each other’s emotions, help process and release each other’s traumas, jointly travel to other worlds and dimensions, and enter into the nondual infinity of what Buddhists call “Clear Light Mind.” He offers guidance for debriefing and integrating telepathic sessions and reveals how psychedelic journeying with a partner can help you shatter illusions, expand consciousness, dissolve egoic separations, and enable a cooperative exploration of nonduality.