Inspired by Jane Austen's heroes and villains, this contemporary short-story anthology has been selected by Michele Roberts from the Jane Austen Short Story Competition 2011 run by Chawton House. 'When a young lady is to be a heroine... Something must and will happen to throw a hero in her way.' Or, if she is unlucky, maybe a villain with a treacherous heart... Whether a Dary or a Wickham, an Elizabeth Bennet or a Miss Dashwood, there is something within these twenty contemporary and original stories for all Austen readers and fans. From Wikram Jayanath's exploits in Mumbai to the antics of a vicar's book obsessed wife, there are heroes and villains to suit all tastes.
Thanksgiving at Canine Corral :
Irene Onorato
audiobookPersuasion (Unabridged)
Jane Austen
audiobookThe Wednesday Morning Wild Swim
Jules Wake
audiobookA White Christmas on Winter Street
Sue Moorcroft
audiobookJust for December
Laura Jane Williams
audiobookChristmas with the Queen : A Novel
Hazel Gaynor, Heather Webb
audiobookTwelve Days in May
Niamh Hargan
audiobookLove on the Menu
Mimi Deb
audiobookA Skye Full of Stars
Sue Moorcroft
audiobookThe Secrets She Carried
Barbara Davis
audiobookIt Happens All the Time : A Novel
Amy Hatvany
audiobookbookA Proper Pursuit
Lynn Austin