
Aesop’s Fables Mega Bundle : 113 Classic Short Stories Collection for Kids


Aesop's Fables Mega Bundle consists of all ten volumes of Aesop’s Fables Series. This is a family audiobook, suitable for listeners of all ages, containing over ten hours of audio. These are some of the popular Aesop's Fables included in this bundle;

The town mouse and the country mouse The wolf in sheep’s clothing The rooster and the jewel The fox and sour grapes The lazy grasshopper The mice in council The bundle of sticks Hercules and the wagoner The oxen and the butchers Herman and the Caterpillar The eagle and the jackdaw The Hare and the tortoise The one-eyed doe The woodman and the serpent The bat and the weasels The oxen and the wagon wheels These are just few of the fables included in this title. There are total of 113 fables which spans more than ten hours of audio. Isn't that awesome? Plenty of entertainment for kids.

Aesop's Fables are not just for entertainment, they teach ethics and valuable life lessons to kids. Listening to audio stories helps develop creativity and imagination in kids. It is preferable to TV or video games. This resource is suitable for the entire family, including kids of all ages, including teens. Feedback indicates that even adults enjoy listening to the classic stories as a source of entertainment.

Please listen to this brief sample of one of the stories to help you decide whether the audiobook is for you. All of our titles are available in major online book stores and online libraries.

Don’t wait any longer. Get the full audiobook now!