
Arabian Society in the Middle Ages


The confession of the Muslim's faith is briefly made in these words,—"There is no deity but God: Moáž„ammad is God's Apostle,"—which imply a belief and observance of everything that Moáž„ammad taught to be the word or will of God. In the opinion of those who are commonly called orthodox, and termed Sunnees, the Mohammadan code is founded upon the ážČur-ĂĄn, the Traditions of the Prophet, the concordance of his principal early disciples, and the decisions which have been framed from analogy or comparison. The Sunnees consist of four sects, កanafees, ShĂĄfiÂŽees, MĂĄlikees, and Hambelees, so called after the names of their respective founders. The other sects, who are called ShiyaÂŽees (an appellation particularly given to the Persian sect, but also used to designate generally all who are not Sunnees), are regarded nearly in the same light as those who do not profess El-IslĂĄm (the Mohammadan faith); that is, as destined to eternal punishment...