
Charging the Human Battery


A message from the author, Mac Anderson, about Charging the Human Battery: "I love stories that can engage our hearts and our souls! In Charging the Human Battery, I share in 50 Ways to Motivate Yourself. All the chapters are brief stories with high impact. My goal with this little audiobook is to create many "a-ha moments" that can inspire, encourage and motivate you when you need it most!" Self-motivation is a subject that has always fascinated me. It can be the differentiator between being energized by life, rather than controlled by its circumstances. Charging the Human Battery is filled with stories and quotes that are designed to engage your brain and your heart, to think about life in a new way...because one idea, if you're ready for it, can change your life forever. Just remember...people are like sticks of dynamite; the power's on the inside but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit. So take a few moments to light your fuse today...and see how you how high your life can s

UpplÀsare: Derek Shetterly