
Cryptos : Invest Smart with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple Coin and Other Cryptocurrencies


Book 1: ICO Investing

In this audiobook, you will learn new things you might have never thought of before. When you get savvy at the game of trading and seeing the market potential, you can become one of those success stories for which the media is looking.

Book 2: Bitcoin Scam

Beware of the pitfalls. Bitcoin is highly unstable. And the rises and falls of the currency have already shown it. Is it all a scam? Well, yes and no. The controversy of it is astounding.

Book 3: Bitcoin Millionaire

Bitcoin has made many people rich. Still, some of those very people advise you not to invest in bitcoin. Some of them have valuable advice. Others simply tell their stories, and let you draw your own conclusions. What is a secret they share. Did they just jump in at the right time, or is it still possible to do the same? Why, if it is such a good opportunity, isn’t everyone doing it? Many are, but are the others simply afraid, or is there more to it?

Book 4: Ripple Coin

Ripple Coin is a minor cryptocurrency that sometimes gets forgotten in the Bitcoin hype. Can Ripple overtake Bitcoin someday? Can you mine for Ripple Coin too? Is it a good alternative to invest in? Why has its value increased so rapidly? And will it continue to grow?

Book 5: Ethereum

This book is the complete guide. Everything you need to know about Ethereum, a rising cryptocurrency, is right there. Look no further, and you will learn the most important things for your investing decisions.