
Druid Arcane : A New Adult Urban Fantasy Novel


When his ancient druid master falls critically ill, Colin goes on a plane-walking quest to find a cure. Can the journeyman druid rescue the god of healing in time to save his oldest friend?

I thought that learning magic from a druid master was tough, but that was before I started taking lessons from an insane quasi-god.

For six long months I’ve been suffering under Click’s tutelage, boning up on my magic skills so I can survive the wrath of several Celtic gods and find a cure for my druid mentor, Finnegas.

It’s my fault that the old man is hanging on by a thread, and I’m determined to save his life.

Between surviving Click’s crazy-arsed magic lessons and being harassed by the huldufĂłlk, I’ve been trying to track down the Celtic god of healing. Only Dian CĂ©cht can heal my master—and, he’s the only god Click trusts to do the trick.

Unfortunately, DC has been damned hard to find. And just when we finally got a solid lead, Loki’s brother showed up to throw a wrench in the gears.

Okay, so I may have killed Loki’s nephew. It’s not like he didn’t have it coming.

Bottom line? I might have to fight an army of fire and frost giants to save Finn’s life.

It’s a good thing I brought my wading boots, ‘cause it’s about to get deep

What Readers Are Saying: "An amazing world building author. The characters and plot lines have you sucked in and begging for more! Love it!" ~Andrea L.

"His books are great, the Junkyard Druid series is amazing. I've read them all and hope there's more." ~George C.

"The Colin McCool series is amazing. Found myself enthralled by the action, storytelling and comedy from start to finish. desperately awaiting the next installment!" ~Mic R.

UpplÀsare: Steven Barnett