
Envisioning Your Ideal Job


Your next job might not be what you expect. It could be better! Sometimes a great new experience is waiting for us, but our limited thinking keeps us from connecting with it. So in this program you’ll open your mind wide to lots of new possibilities.

This guided meditation will help you envision yourself in different job scenarios, consider new ideas, and see what fits you best. When you’re looking for a new job, you always want to find something as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible. Through this program you’ll gain perspective and gather insight about your ideal work experience, so you can find the best possible job for you.

Excerpt from the program:

“...Consider something you enjoy doing. This could be something you’re familiar with doing for a living, or it could be something you enjoy, but have never done professionally. Imagine how it would feel to do this activity as part of your new job. Notice whether you feel comfortable, engaged, and fulfilled by doing this activity at work, or otherwise. I’ll give you a moment to try this out...”

In this program you'll envision your ideal job by focusing on the following factors:

Things you'd enjoy doing

Things you'd enjoy learning

Ways you'd like to help people and make a difference in the world

Your ideal job setting

The people you'd like to work with

Your ideal level of supervision

Your ideal pay and benefits...

...and you'll determine the job that would be most fulfilling, comfortable, and engaging for you.

Use this program to stimulate your imagination, open up to a wide range of possibilities, and envision what suits you best!