
Freedom Dues


"An accomplished and stirring tale from a promising new author of historical fiction." KIRKUS.

1729: Blair Eakins is a fifteen-year-old Ulster-Scot living in Ireland under the crushing weight of famine, poverty, and prejudice against his people. In search of a better future for himself and his beloved, he pays for passage to Philadelphia the only way he can: he commits himself as an indentured servant for a term of four years.

In London, ten-year-old orphan pickpocket Mallie Ambrose is arrested for stealing a handkerchief. After experiencing the horror of Newgate prison, she is sentenced to "Transportation", bound into indentured servitude and exiled to Maryland for seven years.

As Blair and Mallie each endure hellish conditions, their paths eventually cross when they are acquired by the same owner. After Blair steps in to defend Mallie from their cruel master, the two escape and head west, finding unlikely allies among the Delaware Indians. But as fugitives without rights, they live in constant fear of capture.

"Zuno's novel is a splendid historical epic with complex characters and richly drawn settings...The author's sturdy, workmanlike prose perfectly captures the joys and sorrows of the protagonists as they struggle to build new lives in America..." KIRKUS.

"Zuno's enticing saga strikes an even balance between informative narrative and textured dialogue and even includes a sprinkling of humor...In all, this well-crafted blend of research, characterization, and moving story progression should appeal to those drawn to entertaining, believable, historical fiction." BLUEINK.

"Enlivened by captivating historical details, Freedom Dues is a riveting coming-of-age love story." CLARION RATING 5 OUT OF 5.