Winner of the Audible Best of the Year Award for Celebrity Memoirs
Including the never-before-heard tape recordings of Lisa Marie Presley, this audiobook is movingly read by her daughter, Riley Keough, and multi award-winning actress Julia Roberts.
Born to an American myth and raised in the wilds of Graceland, Lisa Marie Presley tells her whole story for the first time in this raw, riveting, one-of-a-kind memoir faithfully completed by her daughter, Riley Keough.
In 2022, Lisa Marie Presley asked her daughter to help finally finish her long-conceived memoir.
A month later, Lisa Marie was dead, and the world would never know her story in her own words; never know the passionate, joyful, caring, and complicated woman that Riley loved and grieved.
Riley got the tapes that her mother had recorded for the book, lay in her bed, and listened as Lisa Marie told story after story: about smashing golf carts together in the yards of Graceland; about the unconditional love she felt from her father, Elvis; about being upstairs, just the two of them. About getting dragged screaming out of the bathroom as she ran towards his body on the floor. About living in Los Angeles with her mother, getting sent to school after school, always kicked out, always in trouble. About her singular, lifelong relationship with Danny Keough, and about being married to Michael Jackson, and what they had in common. About motherhood. About deep addiction. About ever-present grief. Riley knew she had to fulfill her mother’s wish to reveal these memories, incandescent and painful, to the world.
To make her mother known.
This extraordinary book is composed of both Lisa Marie’s and Riley’s voices, a mother and daughter communicating across the chasm of life and death as they try to heal each other. Profoundly moving and deeply revealing, From Here to the Great Unknown is a book like no other – the last words of the only child of a true legend.
Winner of the Audible Best of the Year Award in Australia for Celebrity Memoirs, w/b 02/12/24.
Hjärtskärande rakt igenom, jag vill ta den 9-åriga Lisa i famnen och aldrig svika henne. Julia Roberts läser så att det känns som att man är med, på plats, som en fluga på väggen. Att i olika inslag höra Lisa Marie själv berätta och Riley komplettera med hennes tankar ger en känsla av äkthet och att få vara närvarande i deras liv. Jag hade velat förstå mer, hur deras liv såg ut de sista åren innan Benjamin dog. Men beroendesjukdom innebär ofta stor förnedring och svårigheter att hålla ihop relationer, Riley ger förmodligen endast en liten glimt av hur det egentligen var.
Fantastisk, rörande, intressant från början till slut. En av dom bästa, om inte den bästa, biografens jag läst/lyssnat på. Att få lyssna på inspelningar från Lisa Marie själv förhöjde hela upplevelsen, likaså att det var Riley som läste sina egna minnen. Julia Roberts gjorde ett bra jobb som narrator. REKOMMENDERAR!
A story about love and grief
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