
God’s Secret Place: Understanding Psalm 91: From Overwhelmed to Unshakeable


We live in exciting, prophetically significant, yet challenging times. The hurdles are many, varied, daunting, and overwhelming. Even those in leadership are tempted to be fearful. Yet the Bible tells us sixty-three times to 'fear not.'

How is this possible when your world is falling apart? By claiming the promises of God found in Psalm 91.

God's Secret Place: Understanding Psalm 91 is a faith-building guided tour through this beloved psalm that has instilled courage and comfort for the last three thousand years. It gives thorough commentary on every one of the sixteen verses in this psalm. It also deals realistically yet hopefully with the problem of pain.

In God's Secret Place, you will learn about:

Iron-clad promises of protection from life's most significant challenges; Secrets to living a fearless life; Seeing evil from afar yet remaining untouched by it; The great rewards that come from putting God first; Practical application of the timeless principles found in this Psalm. Psalm 91 promises God's presence, protection, power, and peace. Let it help you become future-friendly and future-ready.

Uppläsare: Kameel Majdali