
Hot Wolf Shifters Bundle


Three sizzling wolf-shifter stories that will leave you wanting more.

The Twins

The twin alphas will do anything to claim every inch of my body.

My number one rule has always been business before pleasure. As a human who trains packs of werewolves, temptation lurks around every corner. From their large canines that could sink right into my neck to their brute power, I had always had the strength to resist.

Until I meet the twins.

When they hire me to help strengthen their weakest members, these bad boys make it their mission to break me. And while I’m determined to never let pleasure interfere, there’s something about the twins that I can’t seem to resist.

But can I fight the urge to fall in love with them?

Come Here Kitten

When the most feared alpha claims me as his mate, he promises to wreak havoc if I don’t leave with him. But I’m far more dangerous than anyone thinks. And I’m determined to do whatever it takes to bring this alpha to his knees.

The most feared alpha in the Sanguine Wilds takes me by the waist, growls in my ear, and claims that he’d burn down the world for me–but I’m determined to do whatever it takes to bring this alpha to his knees.

Alpha Maddox

Mates are supposed to last forever, but nine years ago I found mine sleeping with another man.

So, when I spot a second-chance mate in the forest one foggy evening, I vow to make her life a living hell.

Only problem is
 I can’t stop the innate desire to tie her to my bed and claim her as mine.