
New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose : A Global Invitation to Experiment with the Unknown


“Engaging with the challenging needs of our times in a meaningful way requires us to express ever more of who we truly are . . . the stories we tell ourselves and what we consider true, however, too often hold us back from doing our authentic work in the world. It’s time to co-create new stories.”

In this book, discover what becomes possible when you act from unified love and power in service to purpose and the more-than-human world.

Let yourself be drawn into a story of stories—woven together into a rich tapestry with threads from the author’s personal journey—along with gems from many teachers and wisdom traditions gleaned along the way.

This audio book provides you with a path to collectively manifest what is needed now, addressing the interconnectedness of everything on the levels of self, other, and all.

New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose includes practical instructions to cultivate more love, power, and purpose-alignment in how you bring your unique gift to the greater whole.

Discover how your subconscious stories

‱ Hold you back from expressing your highest potential—your purpose

‱ Drive you as if on autopilot and how you can take control again

You will learn how to

‱ Have a strong and trusting relationship with your powerful inner resources

‱ Make aligned decisions that put you in the driver’s seat

‱ Create new stories that help you live your purpose

Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller is an internationally renowned self-organization specialist. In this book, she shares her wisdom gleaned from years as an active participant within a growing global community in the new world of work, power shift, and self-organization.