
Ojai 1949 Fourteen Public Talks - Volume 11: Why do we want to dominate or be subservient to another?


"Why do we seek a method or technique? - 21 August 1949 ‱ The problems of life do not demand a method, because they are so vital and alive that if we approach with a method we totally misunderstand and don't adequately meet that problem. ‱ Where there is efficiency there is ruthlessness. ‱ The means and the end are not separate. ‱ Reality or God is something that cannot come by a technique, a means, or through a long, determined practice and discipline. ‱ Aloneness implies no means. You are not alone when you have a means. ‱ Q: What is the right relationship, if any, between the individual and the collective, the mass? ‱ Q: What is the significance of pain and suffering?"

UpplÀsare: J.Krishnamurti