
Our New World of Adult Bullies


Our New World of Adult Bullies connects the dots to show how bullies at all levels of society follow the same

predictable patterns of behavior.

Bullies exist everywhere: families, workplaces, neighborhoods and communities, politics and government, and

organizations of all types and sizes. And in a media landscape where conflict, crisis, chaos, and fear reign

supreme, every day we see the worst behavior of celebrities, politicians, and other public figures who serve as

role models.

Winners and losers. Friends and enemies. Heroes and villains. People with high-conflict personalities think

almost solely in these extremes. They regularly express unmanaged emotions, routinely blame others, and do

harmful things that 90% of people would never do. Bullies share these characteristics, plus a drive to dominate

or destroy their victims.

But all bullies act in the same highly predictable patterns, regardless of their demographics and situation.

By focusing on the ten hidden powers bullies employ—from their unrestrained nature and bully story to

manipulating emotions and playing the victim—Bill Eddy unpacks the way bullies rely on primitive emotions and

nonverbal behavior. He helps readers spot these behaviors and offers practical actions before they become

immobilized by helplessness, blame, and shame.

In today’s world, we all may have an adult bully in our lives sooner or later. For anyone who has a bully in their

life now, for professionals who counsel victims of bullying, and for anyone who is concerned about the fraying of

our culture and society, this book gives effective strategies to prevent bullies from taking over. Eddy’s six-step

approach includes useful advice on how to:

Recognize the patterns of bully behavior

Pull the plug on the bully’s story

Set limits with credible threats

Impose serious consequences

Communicate effectively about bullies to others

Stand strong with others against bullies

Our New World of Adult Bullies takes a closer look at the dangerous behavior of bullies and stop the behavior

before it starts.

UpplÀsare: L.J. Ganser