
SILENT COCKPIT : Final Destination of MH 370


Unlock the secrets of of the nine-year-old mystery - Flight MH 370 and discover the truth behind its disappearance.

This book reveals the answers to the three interrogative words – 'Who', 'Why', and 'Where' – that left millions of people mystified. By reading this book, you will gain a deeper understanding of the tragic events, uncover hidden motives and potential perpetrators, and find out what could have happened to the 239 people on board. It also provides implications of this tragedy and its impact on aviation safety.

This book includes:

- A detailed analysis of the aircraft and its systems

- Exclusive interviews with key people involved in the investigation

- An exploration of possible motives behind the disappearance of Flight MH 370

- A deeper understanding of the events that unfolded on the day of the tragedy

- Uncovering of hidden motives and potential perpetrators of the possible hijacking

- Learning what could have possibly happened to the aircraft and the 239 people on board