
The Charteris Mystery : A Murder Thriller


Rose Charteris' dead body at the bottom of a sand pit let the onlookers believe that probably she died due to a freak accident
 But Chief Inspector Pointer is deeply suspicious as there are many people who will directly benefit from her murder!


"Cockburn thought that the colonel looked vexed. An old scar on his forehead blazed a bar of crimson. A sign of anger. Yet he could hardly be annoyed with the girls for knowing where the professor was. But already the colonel had puzzled him on the courts. Generally a fine player—to-day! Cockburn eyed him as he cut a cigar unevenly, and decided that something was up. It was not Colonel Scarlett's habit to chip a Corona like that. Nor to hold it so tightly that it leaked. Nor to smoke it at a pace which would turn it into an overheated cabbage stalk."