
The Magic Pony: Bedtime Stories for Kids: Sleep Meditation Stories for Children to Achieve Beautiful Night’s Dreams.


Sleep Meditation Stories for Children to Achieve Beautiful Night’s Dreams. Are you looking for an entertaining book to stimulate your child's fantasy and calmness?

Is your kid asking for a new bedtime story at night?

This is the best sleep aid that works every single time!

Children need all the sleep they can get. While they’re naturally rambunctious creatures during the day, they still need to recover and recharge.

If kids don’t get enough sleep, they may develop behavioral and learning issues, mood and emotion problems, and even obesity. And you don’t want that for your little one!

This book was created with both parents and children in mind. Its mission is to eliminate the nightly battle of bedtime, find the rest that parents need, and give children healthy, natural development, and a great attitude through unique and exciting stories that guide them through meditation.