
The Nerd Next Door : A Friends-to-Lovers Romantic Comedy


New town, new job, new neighbor...new crush.

I’ve got a serious problem, and it goes by the name of Ted Jones. Even his name is nerdy! Combine that with his glasses, lean runner’s frame, crazy smarts, and superhero addiction, and he’s got my lady engine revving hard.

What can I say? I’ve got a thing for hot nerds.

But our shy glances and awkward exchanges in the elevator aren’t going to cut it. This nerd is mine; he just doesn’t know it yet.


5 recensioner



Dem Ă€r grannar som nyligen har flyttat till en ny stad dĂ€r de inte kĂ€nner mĂ„nga, och letar dĂ€rmed vĂ€nner eller mer med sin enligt dem bĂ„da andra snygga personen. Hon Ă€r en vetrinĂ€r och han Ă€r en lĂ€rare som vill bli författare, som kan lite för mycket fakta om allt "the nerd" i rellationen. đŸŒșđŸŒș



- lite trÄkig - men ÀndÄ gullig