
The Prophet from Babylon : Understanding the Book of Daniel


"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever" — DANIEL 2:44

Like the precious stone "cut out of the mountain without hands," the Book of Daniel is a gift from heaven that is shaking our world. It is rightly called the foundation stone of all end-time prophecy. This remarkably prescient prophetic work gives us the signs and seasons for what lies ahead. In addition, Daniel’s Book provides an incentive for becoming ‘future-ready.’

The Book of Daniel is indispensable if we are to understand last days events in the light of God’s Word. Its prophetic ‘Siamese twin’ is the Book of Revelation. Even though the latter offers no direct quotes from Daniel, we are dependent on each book to understand the other.

In The Prophet from Babylon: Understanding the Book of Daniel, you will learn some invaluable lessons. These include:

How this book lays the foundation of all end-time prophecy; Background information about the Babylonian empire; Insight into the key prophecy of Chapter Two, namely Nebuchadnezzar’s; Explanation how Daniel is the prophetic counterpart to the Book of Revelation; Insights into the timely ’Seventy Weeks Prophecy’ of Daniel Chapter Nine (vs. 24-27); How Daniel Nine gives us an uncanny prediction about the first coming of Messiah. In The Prophet from Babylon, you will kindle your needful interest in Bible prophecy and receive faith lessons that will see you through the good and the bad times. Your love of God and His Word will grow as a result.

The Book of Daniel will change your life. And The Prophet from Babylon can help

UpplÀsare: Kameel Majdali