
The Stuttering Magician :


Tired of life in a noisy city, a group of magicians gathers together and POOF! -- they create their very own town. Being rather self-centered, they elect themselves to various positions in the town. When the voting is over, every magician has been elected to office; everyone, that is, except young Abracadabra Bartholomew Brown. Why not Bartholomew? Because he stutters, which causes some people to tease him and think less of him. As a result, Bartholomew is terribly shy and afraid to speak up. When the town's first birthday arrives, people realize that the town was never named when it was made. And since everyone else in town already holds office, the role of Namer of Towns falls to young Mr. Brown, despite the objections of one mean old magician. Now Bartholomew must think up a name and say it out loud to the assembled crowd, a task that fills him with dread. Will he come up with a name that pleases his fellow magicians? Will he be able to say it out loud? How will folks respond? Using cleverly rhymed couplets, The Stuttering Magician tells a humorous, heartfelt, and ultimately uplifting story that not only helps build self-esteem in young people people who stutter, but encourages greater empathy towards and understanding of the affliction among their peers and adults alike. Proceeds from the sale of this audiobook benefit the National Stuttering Association.