Among these wonderful, blackly comic tales from the Spanish master of the short story, an office queen falls from her throne, a tartan shirt holds the threads of a man's life, a simple dictation test results in glimpsed mortality, and a case of mistaken identity finally pays off. Taking in love, family, war, food and the unforgettable view of the world from childhood, these rich, charming stories and Fraile's light touch will stay with you long after you have finished reading.
Things Look Different in the Light & Other Stories
- 94 sidor
- 20 böcker
Ali Smith
Ali Smith är född 1962 i Inverness, idag bor hon i Cambridge. Hon introduceras på svenska med Jag är allt du drömt.. Den erhöll Whitbread Novel Award 2006 och var nominerad till Man Booker-priset. Boken kommer ut i över 20 länder. Hon har tidigare gett ut flera böcker, exempelvis: Free Love (1995), Like (1997), Other Stories and Other Stories (1999), Hotel World (2001) och The Whole Story and Other Stories (2003).
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