
We Moderns: Enigmas and Guesses


In 'We Moderns: Enigmas and Guesses' by Edwin Muir, the reader is treated to a thought-provoking collection of essays that delve into various enigmas of modern life, from the existential to the political. Muir's prose is introspective and poetic, reflecting his background as a renowned poet and literary critic. His exploration of modernity is nuanced and insightful, offering readers a chance to reflect on the complexities of the contemporary world. Through his literary style, Muir invites readers to engage with the uncertainties and ambiguities of our time, challenging them to question and ponder the enigmas that define our era. This book is a valuable contribution to the modernist literary tradition, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and mysteries of modern life. Edwin Muir's background as a poet and critic informs his insightful reflections on the enigmas of modernity in 'We Moderns: Enigmas and Guesses'. This book is a must-read for those interested in delving deeper into the complexities of the modern world, as Muir's thoughtful analysis will surely provoke further contemplation and reflection.